Confessions of a Confused Christian

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Memphis Urban Ministry

There was a MUM vision luncheon today at the Highland St. Church. I am glad I was able to attend. Jim is doing a great job as the new director and he has a lot of vision. Church planting, outreach, and ministry opportunities are all in the works with MUM. Kellie and I are in the early stages of recruiting a team for a local church plant. If you know anyone interested, send them our way.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What will the world do with Jesus?

Did you happen to catch 2020's report on James Tabor's book, The Jesus Dynasty? This man writes and researches and yet denies the biblical account of Jesus. He denies the virgin birth. Tabor suggests that Jesus father was probably named Pantera.
I won't go into detail about his belief system other than the fact that he says he is trying to restore authentic Christianity.
There has been a lot of interest in Jesus over the last couple of years. Books like The Davinci Code and The Jesus Dynasty portray a different Jesus than the biblical account. However, the world is interested in learning about Jesus. This is the time for the Christian to show authentic Christianity and stand for the truth in a loving, gracious way. I am a follower of Christ. I believe that Tabor is not correct in his understanding. It seems easier for people to re-create Jesus into the image they want him to be. It seems foolish to admit that you believe Jesus was born to a virgin mother. It's easier to say Jesus was a good man and a good teacher. Hardly anyone would be opposed to saying Jesus was a great man. However, how many are willing to say Jesus is the risen Lord. In our society today, I believe we must be relational and accepting. However, we must not be willing to compromise the Word of God. We must teach truth. Let us continue to pray for ways to share the truth of Christ to those who truly are seeking.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Finger prints

We went to get our fingerprinting today. This fingerprinting was used to file for a background check in Texas where we lived while in college. This brings us one step closer to bringing Leueleseged home! As I was being fingerprinted, I began to think about how we all have uniques prints. No two people have the same finger print. We are unique. We are unlike anyone else.
How amazing! We have such a creative God. We are created in His image. I am thankful that God made me unique. We are getting closer to bringing Leueleseged home. I wonder what he is like. Is he energetic? Is he laid back? Is he always on the go? What is he he like? What does he like to do? What will he be like? Will he get along with Timothy? Will they play sports together? Will I be a good father? Will Kellie and I be the parents who will show Jesus to our kids by the life we live? What fingerprint has God put on us? What is His plan for our family? I am so thankful that God made each of unique. I am looking forward to the journey.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


The Bible uses so many images to describe our relationship with God. We are His sheep and He is the shepherd. He is the vine and we are the branches. There are many others which would be too long to list for the purposes of a blog. One that has become my favorite over the last year is that we are adopted into God's family. What a thought! What an honor! We are God's adopted children.
Adoption is something I am learning more about each day. My heart aches for the children that are left orphans in our world. Poverty, malnutrition, and disease has claimed so many lives and the children are left with no mother, no father, and no place to go. They learn to survive the best they can. I have had many struggle in life, but I always had parents who loved me and cared for me. Many children do not have that privilege.
I would like to introduce you to Leuelseged. He is an orphan in Ethiopia. His mother died about 9 months ago and his father died about a year and a half ago. We do not know who cared for him between the time his mother died and when he entered the oprhanage, but we are thankful to whoever showed compassion toward him. Leueleseged is special because he is our son. Not officially yet, we are in the process of adopting him. We have more paperwork to gather and court dates to attend. We have red tape to cut through, but he is getting closer to coming home everyday. We are so thankful. If you have never been through the adoption process, it is hard to describe. How can you so deeply love a child you have seen only in photographs? How can you weep over a child you have never physically met? It is an awesome feeling. When I read in the Bible that we are adopted into the family of God, it is a truly amazing thought. We are his children. He is our Father. Have you thanked God for being your "Daddy" today?