Confessions of a Confused Christian

Monday, April 04, 2005

Simple Church

We attended a "Simple Church" seminar this weekend. What a great experience. It was a great time of renewal. It is good to look at what it means to be the church. It's not about programs, purpose statements, and catch phrases. It's a called out people who live life with the desire to know Christ more intimately. Church is sharing a meal together, fellowshipping, communing, worship, loving, learning together. It's not what I have so often allowed it to become: a place where the best singer leads the people in singing and the "expert" delivers a sermon, and we pass a plate of crackers and tray of juice and rush through so we can pass a plate in which we put money in. Church is the body of Christ in action. It is the body of Christ working together as an organism to carry out the mission of Christ. Part of the body may be weak sometimes, but healing comes when each part is able to carry that weak member to the foot of the cross. Church is a place where we can have a homecoming with our family. It's not a song or a sermon, it is the children of God living out the message of CHrsit as his family, His body.